We have seen time and time again a crew member leaving flying to starts a new job/career. Without even realising their super transferable skills they are quite often spotted as excellent management material. So why not go directly for a management position/role?
(Courses will be delivered by Zoom or a similar platform, and pre course materials will be emailed to you in the form of a PDF)
This is a bespoke course has been designed Paul Tizzard the head of the NJC Academy with cabin crew in mind. this is what he said. (To see Paul's full profile as a course content desginer scroll down to bottom).
"Crew are amazing with people, that is beyond doubt. Due to your terrific people skills, you will be spotted and groomed for management positions. It is not quite the same as onboard… very often you need to use different management styles. This program will give you a fighting chance to take your existing skills and excel as a manager in a different environment".
Crew to Management
One Day Course.
Main Content Areas
· Managing Self
· Managing Others
· Managing Teams
Managing Self
· Self-awareness…transferrable and non-transferrable skills
· Emotional Intelligence
· Management styles
· Personal values
Managing Others
· How to coach
· How to give feedback
· How to delegate
· Performance management for development
Managing Teams
· Running team meetings well
· Different team styles
· Forming high performing teams
· Performance management for fairness
Paul Tizzard has had an amazing career delivering courses globally. He is very modest in what he has achieved. This is just a glimpse of many of his accolades:
Pragmatic, resourceful facilitator and business coach that has worked in a wide range of companies, at all levels UK and overseas. An eclectic background in employed, contract and freelance roles spanning HM Forces to Owner led Entrepreneurial to Financial Services.
Significant Experience in:
* Training Consultancy and Management / Leadership Development globally
* Exec coaching
* Facilitating both intimate and enormous groups of people (PinPoint and Gestalt trained)
* Creative design and training delivery
* Personality profiling and teambuilding (Insights, TMS, SDI, Facet 5)